Welcome to AN3136 Perioperative and Fluid and Electrolyte. This subject is comprised of the foundation of fluids and electrolytes balances and imbalances, as well as, caring for clients undergoing surgery, as well as, caring for clients undergoing surgery.
In the course guide, I will share the course learning outcomes, the overview of the plan of the course and the assessment. I will also share the expectations of being a student in this course. It is our intent to make this learning experience both convenient and fun while achieving the intended outcomes.
A course learning outcome (CLO) is the expectation of what you should be able to do by the end of the course. It provides a guide to both the educator as well as the student to focus on achieving the intended outcomes. For this course, we have three course learning outcomes (CLO) that can be categorized into two domains; cognitive(C) and affective(A). The CLOs are as follows:
- CLO1 Construct a comprehensive, individualized care plan based on a given scenario of clients undergoing surgery using the nursing process. (C3, PLO2)
- CLO2 Explain the concepts of fluid and electrolyte balance and acid base balance (C2, PLO1)
- CLO3 Demonstrate the ability,to reflect upon nursing practice for awareness and improvement (A4, PLO9)
As an online course, we will use the Learning Management System (LMS) for all our communication, materials and assessments. We will have synchronous meeting via the LMS as well as Self Instructional Materials (SIM) to facilitate your learning and progress through the course. As an ODL learner, you are expected to be self directed. The SIM will provide you with a complete guide of the course materials and resources. Each topic will have topic learning outcomes followed by the lesson notes. Links to videos and other resources will be provided to support your learning process. You will also be given reading materials out of the SIM. At the end of each topic, there will be self check questions. Here you can test yourself. Review the notes and resources should you need to. We will also have scheduled online meetings. Here we will have discussions and tutorials. We will have a total of four (4) synchronous meetings over the semester.
The assessments are planned as coursework and well as a summative examination.
The breakdown of the weightage is as follows:
A. Continuous Assessment Weightage (%)
Test I 10%
Test II 10%
Reflective Essay 20%
B. Summative Assessment
Final Exam 60%
Total 100%
The concept of ODL is to be flexible and facilitate learning even while working. As an ODL student, you are expected to be self directed. Utilise the SIM provided and make full use of the resources (recorded lectures, videos, readings) provided. Attend synchronous meetings to facilitate discussion, clarification and guidance. You are expected to attend at least 85% of synchronous meeting. Should you miss the meeting, do refer to the recordings that will be uploaded after the meeting.
Academic Honesty
Cheating, in any form, is a very serious offence which could lead to severe disciplinary action. Cheating includes:
- using unauthorised materials in tests and examinations;
- letting another person take tests or examinations on one’s behalf OR taking tests or examinations on another person’s behalf;
- working jointly, copying or sharing another student’s work and presenting it as one’s own piece of work
- inventing, copying or altering data, quotations or references;
- plagiarising, i.e. taking or using another person’s work without attributing the source and thus, giving the impression that it is one’s own work.
Any student caught and found guilty in the disciplinary hearing will be deemed to have FAILED in the subject and will be required to REPEAT the said subject. Any repeated offence may result in EXPULSION FROM THE UNIVERSITY
We are glad to have you with us 😃. Let's look forward to a fun, challenging and fruitful semester.
Do contact me should you need any help. I will be gladly assist you.
Ng Kim Lian